etihad cargo


and services

We understand that no two shipments are the same. That’s why we’ve created specialist products and services with dedicated teams to make sure that every single detail is taken care of, whatever your requirements are.

Safe, secure and reliable shipments

etihad cargo aircraft

Charter services

Etihad Cargo offers a bespoke charter service with a dedicated team to manage multiple connections at a competitive price.

This service is available to all Etihad destinations as well as other offline destinations if required.

More products and services

Fast track Fast track


Faster shipping with a
money-back guarantee.

dangerous goods dangerous goods

Dangerous goods

We’ll transport potentially dangerous
items safely and securely.

excess baggage excess baggage

General cargo

The quickest and most reliable way to send boxes, bags and small furniture items.

extra legroom extra legroom

Repatriation services

Funeral service for all faiths and
communities in the UAE.

Cargo Cargo

Etihad Airport Services

Airport services, ground handling and cargo operations at Abu Dhabi International Airport.

Get in touch

If you’ve got a question about any of our products or services, we’re here to help.